Sunday, February 06, 2005

Guatemalan Update #2

Dear Friends and Family,

The Lord if faithful to listen when His people pray. There is a profound sense of humility that you feel when you know you are the focus of the prayers of God's people. Thank you all so much for your prayers. We have felt the presence and blessing of the Lord and are rejoicing in that. There have been several developments since our last update. The timing problem seems to be working itself out. Our lawyer, went back and was able to get us an earlier court date. This will speed things up by two or three months. The Lord has also presented another option that we are pursuing, a medical visa. It is very important for Joelle to get as much therapy and treatment as possible while she is under two years of age. Due to a relationship our facilitator has with a influential US Senator in Minnesota, we were able to share Joelle's story and current situation with Norm Coleman's office. They have really taken up our cause and are trying to see if they can get us a medical visa to allow us to come home with Joelle, while the adoption process plays itself out. We would have to come back for her day at the US Embassy finalizing her adoption, but to come back this beautiful country would not be a problem at all. So, the Lord is at work and we are always amazed by what He does.

The needs here are staggering and the Lord has given us the opportunity to spend time with believers here as well as encouraging and witnessing to those who do not know the Lord. I really believe that God has special plans for this country. There is a small church here that has sent out and supports two Guatemalan missionaries to Spain. It is challenging to see a developing country with such a burden for the spiritually lost in other countries.

Prayer Requests:
  • Sensitivity to God's Spirit. As I shared above there are so many needs here. The orphanages are crying for God's love. I believe that the is a reason why the needs of the Fatherless are so close to God's heart.
  • Wisdom. As we see the needs here, we are feeling the pull of God's Spirit to help. I am not sure how the Lord will work it all out or how it will all work out, but we want to be obedient to His wooing.
  • Protection. Guatemala is not exactly like East Texas. I have never seen so many armed guards in my entire life. Every shop that sells anything of worth has armed guards with BIG guns, and there are well armed police everywhere. On top of physical robberies and assaults, there are a tragic number of lust motivated crimes. Please pray that God will continue to protect and direct us.

We love you all and appreciate your prayers and e-mails.

Because of Jesus,



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