Monday, January 24, 2005

We are here!

We are rejoicing that our sweet Joelle is doing so well - she is like a flower that has never seen the sun. The little girl who did not know how to sit up when we picked her up is sitting up :-) She is loving being a big sister and a little sister. We are so thankful for HIS goodness. We went to an orphanage yesterday and were just taken back by the need. Rows and rows of children who need Jesus. I think Maria is going to help with VBS there this week so we are glad the we can so quickly plug in.

Lord willing, next week, we are planning to go overnight to a orphanage about an hour from here on the Mexican border, we have been told that the need there is incredible.

I will write more later. Need to get a little bit of work done so I can continue to feed my growing family. :-) Thank you for your continued prayers. God's grace is sufficient and the vision He is unfolding is awe-inspiring.

God bless,

- Josh

P.S. I am using a really nice Internet cafe that is made for business travelers. I can check my voice mail from here so if you all want to leave us a message - you can call 214-550-1818. I can also place calls from my laptop if I am near a broadband connection. Additionally, our cell phone number here is: 011-502-5-988-0869.